My Word for 2023

Each year I choose a new word on which to focus for the next 365 days. Since I began this habit, I have chosen words like courage, thankfulness, balance, and grace. They have served me well during each specific year as I have needed to remind myself of all those words embody.

This habit began after I read this little book.

The idea is to replace a list of New Year’s Resolutions with just one word on which to center our thoughts and our perspective for the coming year. In essence, we simplify the list into just one word around which we focus our entire year. Because we cannot see the future, we cannot know today exactly how this year will unfold, and we cannot imagine how this new word will impact our next 365 days, but we feel that it will!

So, after careful consideration and prayer, I have chosen ADVENTURE for my word for 2023. I want to plan some adventures, but I also expect to be surprised by what exciting trips and experiences and expeditions are in my future.

I’m not sure where this year will take me, and neither are you. It is a blank slate! And it may not take us anywhere physically, but as the year unfolds, we can expand our horizons emotionally and spiritually and personally in many ways. Those can also be considered adventures!

Another aspect of adventure for me is that I cannot wait for things to happen to me. I have to take the initiative to improve my situation, even if it is only by baby steps. What can I do where I am to be adventurous? To create an experience?

I have some ideas, and I’ll share them with you during this next year. But the truth is that it all begins with me. And at your house, it begins with you.

My prayer for you today is that you will look at 2023 as a new opportunity, a new beginning, a blank slate on which you can draw beautiful pictures. What will you draw?

Published by parkinsonscare

I'm a retired mathematics teacher, mother, and grandmother. I cared for my husband for 23 years, and now he is in Heaven. My new mission in life is to support and encourage caregivers like you!

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